End Credits

Reviews of films, both new and old.

Monday, April 25, 2005


Naked (1993), Dir. Mike Leigh

This is the fifth film I have seen by Mike Leigh, and by far the most difficult. This one leans more towards drama and tragedy than the others, (except Vera Drake, perhaps). The comic element is still present, but sprinkled in a much more harassing way that it is almost like a little cousin following you around everywhere. Plus, the dramatic elements are much more somber and charged than in the other films I have seen, so the amount of comedy that would be needed to offset it would be ridiculous and overbearing.

I can't say this is my favorite film by Leigh, but it still has his unmistakeable thumbprint etched into every frame. He creates a world of people with distinct personalities in distinct situations, and doesn't feel the need to explain or justify who and how they are. They just are. He doesn't ask you to like or even empathize with the characters. Not that you would anyway. The thing I like about Leigh's films, and this one in particular, is that it seems real. At the end, there is no "good guy" or "bad guy", just a bunch of people making their way. They go through things and do things with and to other people, but they don't necessarily learn or grow like they would in a Rob Reiner film. There is no lesson. There is no moral. There are only slices of lives being projected in front of you.

For that, I appreciate this film. It is definitely worth a go, as long as you have a strong stomach.


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