End Credits

Reviews of films, both new and old.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Today I finished up the last of the errands after getting back from shooting. I took the film to LA on Thursday, returned the camera and all the equipment, the rental, the truck, and got myself a cooler to keep the film in so it doesn't go bad. Lucky for me, film needs to be kept at about the same temperature as wine, so after this is all over, I'll have a fancy schmancy wine fridge too.

So, as I said before, Utah is unbelievably boring, but also beautiful. I eventually had to pull over because I thought I was going to fall asleep (a little something I remember from Driver's Ed: Highway Hypnosis). I also needed the chance to stretch my legs, look around, and reorganize the front seat, which was being overwhelmed by the camera and my production notebook, both of which were indispensible on this film. I also decided to take a couple of pictures so the kids at home could see what the world looks like without stuff in it. Pretty cool, eh?

I also discovered the "curve in the road", which I wish I could have used in my film (even though I already had one picked out). I was cursing the fact that my DP (Director of Photography/Cinematographer) wasn't there, and when I showed him this picture, he said that would have been perfect, but then added, "I would have wanted to take the sign down." He knows I hate it when he says that, because it means more chances for me to get in trouble with the law and so forth. He claims he would put it back, but I have a feeling the DOT would still not appreciate having their road signs messed with, even for the sake of art. I think he also gets a kick out of the face I make, because it's something similar to the look your mom might give you if you say you're going to join the circus or a band or get a tattoo.

So that's just an intro to the trip. There'll be more later, but be patient. I'm still trying to produce the rest of it (and pay for it...hint, hint), so everyone is just going to have to stay tuned. And I promise no more pictures from Utah.


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