So this is the beginning of our Colorado shoot. We woke up early on Saturday morning to clouds and rain, which is not what I had expected. Anyone who has ever been to Colorado knows that it is usually very sunny there, and there is hardly ever any rain. A healthy portion of Colorado's water comes from winter snowmelt, and August is usually one of the hottest months there. This year, however, the mountains are experiencing more rain than they've had since the sixties, so all the old timer's are now allowed to say "This is like the summer of '64" and things like that.

Anyway, as beautiful as it is, with the low-lying clouds and the pools of water on the back balcony, I was somewhat worried when I woke up to this.
We did manage to get everything organized in the basement of the house, and this is what Ryan referred to as "bare bones" equipment,

meaning he didn't make me bring anything extra and this was the minimum of what he thought we could get by on. I'll add at this point that all of this stuff required not one, but two vehicles (an SUV and a minivan), and we also required the use of my mom's stationwagon to haul all of the props up there. I usually think of something else when I think "bare bones", but in Ryan's defense, we did use most of the stuff we brought, and would have used more if the weather had been a little more stable. Ah, well, it's better to have more than you need than not enough. For example, we had more equipment than we needed, but definitely not enough sleep. But I guess that's filmmaking. Or at least the beginning of it.
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